Week 12 – Digging…Relaxing

Week 12 and I am putting the red pencil away! I am my own worst critic and I do not like it…so…I am giving myself a break. This week we are writing index cards with our achievements and I am realizing that I am a pretty awesome guy. I have done a lot in my life that I should be…no scratch that…that I AM proud of! “For what is success other than a state of mind?” I choose to think about myself in a positive and successful way from now on. I do not hear, I will not hear, “I hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.” The exercises that we are practicing and linking all together now are starting to make their way into my mind and starting to guide me to the way that I must think and act now. I am analyzing every thought now, can you say “The 7 Day Mental Diet” and my changes are starting to become recognized by my family. Yay! This only fuels me more for looking even deeper inside myself, working on the world within so that it will manifest itself in the world, in my world, without.

I am still chipping through the, what seems like miles, of cement. Finally I am recognizing bits and pieces of win situations that have been deep inside me but that I have never recognized by my untrained self. Suddenly the muddy waters are allowing some light, some hope through. I feel as if I should be further along in this journey of self-discovery and actually, as I am writing this, I am realizing that everyone has their own pace for learning. Why do I feel the need to judge myself against the advancement of the others in this journey with me and criticize myself so harshly for being behind? Red Pencil Syndrome! This week I am declaring Green Pencil Syndrome! Rather than seeing myself in a negative light, that I am not identifying what I want out of my life as fast as others, I am going to commend myself for taking my own “Hero’s Journey” and keeping on with it, knowing full well that my time will come. I am no longer going to judge myself against others, for I know not the life that they live. I always like to say, don’t judge a person unless you are able to walk a mile in their shoes.

So this week I am still digging, but I am also taking the advice of guides and other friends, new and old, in the MKMMA: RELAX! It is the 2nd Law of the 7 Laws Of The Mind: The Law Of Relaxation – Mental effort defeats itself ~ exactly the opposite of physical effort. A relaxed, calm state of mind is the only doorway to progress mentally. Relaxation of thought is the only access to Infinite Intelligence.


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