Week 4 – Fighting Back

Support and words of wisdom have re-vitalized me and okay, maybe confused me also.  Thank-you to Dawn, Mark, Sandra, Patti, Shelby, Patricia, Dan (actually called me) and Lauri for your support.  It means the world to me.

Mark’s reply has hit me between the eyes: Your dream is calling… your dream is calling…..fear of the unknown masquerades in many ways….

This fatigue [real but what was the cause?] …self pity… etc… I KNOW that spot…and then, by hanging in there [and asking for help, BRAVO] …I had a moment of truth beyond intellect… a moment of naked honesty and really, was left with 2 choices… continue my “socially acceptable” self destructive behavior …..or own the idea that I simply did not know what I truly wanted…..you’re doing great… your honesty here is wonderful and the handmaiden to greatness… so I say again… and live with this….

“are my actions to set up these overwhelming conditions a result of me not listening to my dream that is calling?”

 Okay, I have lived with this.  With complete honesty I can definitely say that I know this to be true, I have set up overwhelming conditions as a result of me not listening to my dream that is calling. Now I want to know how do I hear the dream that is calling?  How do I define the gift that I have been given that I want to focus on and share with the world?
I have so much “CEMENT” to chip off of me.  I’m looking for my “Gold”…it’s so much more fun!

4 thoughts on “Week 4 – Fighting Back”

  1. The fact that you are aware that you are looking for your dream helps the subbie move in that direction – keep at it – cement will eventually be all gone!

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