This week is a very difficult week for me… You see, I have recently become aware of the fact that I shrink so that other people won’t feel insecure around me. I thought that not only was it okay, but that I was actually helping others by not making them feel insecure around me.
Explain that to me Extraordinary Eileen asks. So if I was having an amazing day and someone asked me how I was doing, especially someone that I know was not in a good way, instead of saying “I am awesome today… truly having a magnificent day!” …I would say “I’m okay… you know, same ole same ole.” I would actually feel guilty to be having such a great day because the person I was engaging with was not.
Writing this out and reading it takes on even another form to me now. I can kind of justify it… but being involved with the MasterKey Mastermind Alliance (MKMMA) and learning what I am learning and reading that with my newfound knowledge…well…makes it seem pretty stupid that I would do that to myself!?
So week three of the MasterKey lesson brings out lots of tears from me as I try to read through it. “It is evident, therefore, that all we have to do is let our light shine;” …all we have to do!!!??? Yikes!!!
What a shift of habit! …and awareness:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
…and BOOM! I AM ALL IN! How selfish have I been NOT letting my light shine>? What an awareness of how helpful I could be if I would just let my light shine!!!
Today I begin my new life!
I Believe
Rip, really like your blog entry. As I look at my 4 year old Granddaughter and observe her boldness and light but most of all her fearlessness, I suddenly recognize the child in me. It is the shift of awareness.
Thank you Joan. I also recognize that in others, but I struggle being in so much of a better place, happier, feeling more successful, more grateful, etc. than others. I have dimmed my light… shrunk myself as to not make others feel insecure… thinking that was the right or nice thing to do. :-/
Rip, I love it. Yes a new awareness to truly be who we are and let our light shine is the best we can do for those around us. Doesn’t mean we aren’t compassionate. It means we are also true to ourselves.
Thanks for sharing your insight with us.
Thanks Johanna! I am starting to understand the being true to myself. It’s been a struggle and chipping lots of cement off to get to the true me. I usually do not let others dictate what I should and shouldn’t do… after all, rules were meant to be broken… but I do struggle with allowing my light to shine.
Rip thank you for sharing with us. Yes we must let our light shine. I love MKE, because become so much aware of living in their present lifes.
Thanks for posting Pieter. I do struggle with letting my light shine… I don’t know why… maybe it makes me feel arrogant or full of myself…
You nailed it, Rip. Great going.
Thanks Pops! The kindest of words coming from you my friend! 😉
Yes! Ringing so familiar to these ears!
Thanks for bringing awareness! adding this to the things I remember when I see a red ⭕️ circle. Warmly —Brenda
Glad I was able to touch a similar thought with you Brenda. I am always grateful to be able to help others. Thanks for stopping in and posting.
Let your light shine, that’s true freedom! I love this shirt in awareness, it is so powerful
What a great insight you had!
Thank you Laura!